Sunday 14 June 2015

I haven't been on this blog for years.

Lame. Anyway, in case you guys were wondering; Yes I did get thin. Pretty generic in the way I got there but you get the picture. Kinda.
Here's a photo of my current thigh gap at the moment though, pretty good considering the fact that I started with both my thighs AND knees rubbing against each other. 

I guess I like the attention sometimes ugh attention whore much?
That's the sole reason why I'm posting anyway. 
Why is this blog so popular anyway it's just a stupid blog. 


  1. I just like to see how you're doing. We emailed back and forth years ago lol. I guess I'm kind of sad you're not better but I 'm not either so I'm not really surprised. My blog is I'd love to talk to you about your weight loss though because I'm really struggling with it...

  2. hey :) I came across you in a thinspo side :) I am a cool girl from Norway who want to make friends who think skinny is cool! As you know , many judgmental people living on crap food , and think they are better judgment .. made ​​of shit .. we know better ! I'm interested in breatherianism . and I have lots of knowledge ! The less we eat , the longer we live . World brainwashed . I want to make friends so I can help and we can support each other ! :) Though , I'm on the rainbow diet now , love rainbow diet . Lots of hugs from me ! Have you a skype name so we can shat? :)

  3. You look so good, im def dying to get those legs

  4. great job! The blog is real, has great imagery, that's why people are still finding it. Now that you updated it, it will be ranked higher. Keep going. Tell us more ringmaster of the ana circus....

  5. Cool.. I am restarting mine too..
